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Church Interior

House of refuge

Hope and help in a difficult times

Believers’ Baptist Church is a House of Refuge:


By a House of Refuge, we mean that a woman who finds herself in an unplanned pregnancy can find hope, acceptance, and grace at Believers’ Baptist Church.


Please know that being pregnant is not a sin and the child you carry is not a punishment or mistake. You may have made a sinful decision that led to this pregnancy, or you may have even been sinned against, but we want you to know you are loved, and we will do whatever it takes to help you in this pregnancy before and after birth.


Here's what you can expect:

This church family will not gossip about you, shame you, or abandon you. We want you to feel safe, and we will endeavor to protect you from hurtful words or actions which are contrary to the love of God as revealed in His Word.


Here’s what we will do:

We will do everything in our power to remove whatever obstacles stand in the way of you having this child. There are people in this church ready to help you, care for you practically, and connect you with resources inside and outside of our church.


Finally, we can never support or encourage a woman to have an abortion because
the child you carry is made in the image of God and is intrinsically valuable and loved
by God.


And, if you have ever had an abortion in your past, we want you to know that abortion is not an unforgivable sin. Whoever confesses and forsakes their sin finds mercy. If you have never gone through post-abortion counseling, we will be happy to help you so that you can walk in complete healing and freedom.


Please contact us at 903-474-0027.

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1133 N. Texas St.

Emory, TX 75440

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